1. Proactive Learning Strategies
Every student possesses unique academic strengths and needs. Enrolling in Year 4 or 5 at MBBC provides an early start to adapt to the academic demands of the school, especially as a preparation for the transition to Secondary School. The Primary School proactively employs identification methods to recognize individual learning requirements and offers a robust Learning Enhancement program that includes both Learning Support and Learning Enrichment. By Year 6, the Learning Enhancement team collaborates with Secondary School staff and class teachers to ensure that the transition for all students is seamless.
MBBC is honoured to be an authorized International Baccalaureate (IB) World School, delivering the Primary Years Programme from Prep through Year 6. The IB programmes strive to foster both personal and academic achievement, aiming to develop globally minded individuals who recognize their common humanity and shared responsibility for the planet, thus contributing to a better and more peaceful world. Starting in Year 4 or 5 allows students to become accustomed to the IB educational framework and prepares them for the academic challenges of transitioning to Secondary School. This preparation is critical, especially as students approach the Year 6 PYP Exhibition, a capstone project that encourages students to apply their learning in real-world contexts, enhancing their readiness for future academic pursuits.

2. Independence and Resilience
Transitioning to a new school cultivates independence and resilience by teaching children to navigate unfamiliar environments and tackle challenges. These are essential life skills that prepare them for future situations where adaptability is key. A primary concern for children entering a new school is the question: "Will I make friends?" At MBBC Primary School, we address this concern for students joining by providing a supportive transition, using various strategies designed to assist them in connecting with like-minded students, whilst helping them navigate and become aware of the facilities of the campus.
Additionally, our broad range of extracurricular and co-curricular activities, many of which begin at Year 4, allow boys to try new sports and cultural experiences, facilitating interaction with peers across different classes and year levels. This early entry not only helps students make meaningful contributions to the Primary School community but also builds lasting friendships and confidence before they advance to their Secondary years.
3. Primary Leadership Programme
We are very proud of our Student Leadership Programme in the Primary School at MBBC. Alongside our Primary Captain and Vice Captain, each semester, we elect four Vice House Captains to represent our four houses - Flynn, Doherty, Dunlop and Nicholls. These boys organise and represent the College at significant events. Entry in Year 4 or 5 gives students an opportunity to participate in a number of learning experiences where they explore how they can contribute to the growth and development of the MBBC Primary School and discover the leader within themselves.

4. Getting ready for Secondary School
Once friendships have been established, and the anxiety about a new school is behind them, in Year 6, students will be involved in a number of transition activities to pave the way for the move to the Secondary School. There are opportunities for them to meet and ask questions of Secondary teaching staff and College student leaders. They participate in Secondary House service events (such as free dress days and lunch-time activities), and they visit secondary learning spaces and get to know some of the specialist areas.
5. Part of the community
Joining Moreton Bay Boys' College in Year 4 or 5 means your family joins a thriving community. There are many opportunities for parents of students in Year 4 or 5 to be involved in the College community, whether it be helping in the classroom, attendance at social events, acting as a year level parent representative, assisting with support-a-reader or marshalling at sporting events. Parent support of the College’s activities is always appreciated. There are also several support services offered to College families, including a Psychologist, Occupational Therapist and Speech Therapist.

6. An environment built for boys
Our rich and diverse learning environments are developed to engage boys intellectually, creatively, physically, emotionally and spiritually. We know that building confidence and pride in the abilities of boys means they thrive academically. Moreton Bay Boys’ College offers an engaging curriculum, specially developed for the ways boys think and learn.
The scope and diversity of our academic programme develop boys who want to be at school and want to learn, and our inquiry-based, hands-on approach to learning builds upon their natural curiosity. An all-boys education lets boys focus without the pressure to perform for girls. Boys can show interest without inhibition and can fully engage with the learning programmes in place.
We choose teachers who are passionate about working with boys, and who act as positive role models. A number of our teaching staff are specialists and leaders in their chosen fields, striving to help your son be his very best. By approaching teaching and learning in a way that is tailored to how boys learn, they thrive academically, socially and spiritually.
Ready to take the next step?
Our focus is on providing a learning environment where all students feel comfortable and confident. We see entry in Year 4 or 5 as an exciting opportunity for students and families to join our College and discover why we’re the experts in boy’s education.
Are you interested in learning more about joining us in Year 4 or 5? You can call our Enrolments Team on 07 3249 9322 or book a private college tour using the form below. We'd love to welcome you and your family to MBBC.