Transitioning into Secondary

As experts in boy’s education, MBBC is well aware of the different needs of students at various developmental stages. At MBBC we have well-developed and successful pastoral care practices to ensure that the transition to Secondary schooling is smooth and manageable for your son.

As a Pre-Prep to Year 12 College, Moreton Bay Boys’ College has a deep understanding of the transition to Secondary, and our bird's eye view of both Primary and Secondary schools gives us valuable insight into the needs of boys as they make the exciting progression to Secondary.


Current Year 6’s transitioning to Year 7 attend Secondary Experience Day, where they get an opportunity to experience Secondary subjects such as Maths, Science, Technology and HPE, with Secondary teachers in specialist Secondary facilities. These opportunities allow the boys to familiarise themselves with the Secondary School classrooms and Secondary School teachers, reducing the feelings of anxiety one might have when moving to a new environment.

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In addition to this internal transition programme, all prospective Year 7 students attend Transition Day and Welcome Day preceding entry to Year 7. This provides an opportunity to bring together students who are current Year 6 MBBC students and Year 6 students from other primary schools to meet each other, their form class teacher, our Leadership Team, and to experience the ‘College spirit’ before their commencement in Year 7.